Hi! I’m Lauren Piccini Markos!
I used to be a shy girl who went with the flow and pretty much did what everyone else around me was doing. I hated making decisions and spent way too much time mulling over that, “Did I make the right decision?” question.
And this “cool girl” attitude landed me in a lot of relationships that were not aligned with the woman I wanted to be. I got cheated on, walked all over and taken advantage of over and over again.
It took me years to realize that these experiences were a result of me not showing up as the woman I really was. I was pretending to be someone I wasn’t so others would claim me. But how could they claim me if they didn’t even know me?
Exactly. They couldn’t. So I attracted men who were just like me– disconnected from who they were and had no idea what they wanted.
As I started getting connected to myself, I uncovered the version of Lauren I had been dreaming of. She was calm, confident and ask for what she wanted. Her voice was a source of power and an ally in helping her create the life and relationships she had been craving for her whole life.
My voice led me to my husband (yes– I said hi first!) and healthy, conscious communication played a pivotal role in the success of our relationship and marriage.

To have the relationship I have now, I had to break decades of conditioning and patterns that lived in my bloodline for generations along with healing my own anger, emotional pain and shame I carried for way too long.
Now, I teach love and my mission is to help you tap into your innate intuition and feminine energy to create relationships that light you the f up.
I do this by shining a big light on the parts of yourself you don’t like showing to everyone else. But these hidden parts of you hold so much wisdom and by listening to and understanding them, you can transmute the pain, fear and shame you feel into unconditional love for yourself, those around you and every part of your life.