
your quarterly healing subscription that will give you all of the tools you need to transform into the woman who speaks up, who knows what she wants, who is magnetic, who is respected, who is heard, who is honest, who stands in her truth, who is confident, strong and powerful

I know you probably just read that and thought, "Okay Lauren, sounds amazing but that's a far stretch from where I'm at right now."
But what if it doesn't have to be?

Imagine you had everything you needed to become your favorite version of yourself all in one place.


A place you could go to for support whenever you're needing it..

A place you could go to release all of your stresses and worries and turn over a new leaf..

A place you could go to nurture the deep levels of your being..


Think of it as a magical subscription box for all the things you need to heal on a mind, body and soul level.


Who would you be if you were supported and equipped with the tools you needed to totally transform your life from the inside out?


Would you only accept love and relationships from aligned, supportive, trustworthy partners?

Would you create multiple income streams so you didn't have to real on your 9-5 anymore?

Would you be living in the woods with your farm, chickens and all the plant babies?


✨ The possibilities are endless and I'm here to help you unlock them for yourself ✨

Girl on Top of the World is a space where 🪄 magic 🪄 unfolds and your deepest, most secret desires become your reality.
It is designed to shake up your foundation and get rid of all the "shoulds," your "have-tos" and help you resettle into the "YES! This feels SO good and easy" energy that serves you the best.
You connect to this energy by connecting to yourself-- by building a relationship that is so strong and stable that it cannot be shifted based off of what another person may think or say about you.
This connection grows each time you revisit a memory you wish didn't exist.
This connection grows each time you say yes to blowing bubbles with the inner child you have inside of you.
This connection grows each time you say yes to something without knowing how it'll all play out.
It's through connecting to your body that you heal your heart.
I know this because I've lived it.
I used to be a runner. I ran away from relationships when they got too deep. I ran away from my home state because I couldn't handle the problems my family was going through. I ran away from my emotions and numbed myself out with alcohol because I couldn't handle the pain my heart was carrying.
I ran as long as I could, until one day, I couldn't anymore.
I had to face myself and everything I had been running from: my fears, past relationships, financial trauma, unresolved issues from my childhood, my relationship with alcohol, with food, my body and so much more...
My body was calling for a complete overhaul.
✨ a new belief system that was rooted in love and unity so I could make peace with the past and use it as a tool to help me catapult forward
✨ a new relationship with myself that would set the foundation for deeper relationships with those around me and eventually calling in my husband
✨ a new way of being that was cyclical and revolved around my ever-changing energy so I could be more in-tune with myself and hear my intuition
I'm recreating this transformation for you in Girl on Top of the World.
Everything is broken down into bite-sized, digestible pieces so you can live your best life while healing.
By slowly incorporating these practices over long periods of time, you'll create long-lasting, sustainable change that will trickle down into every aspect of your life: love, your career, your income, your health-- because as you make shifts and changes on the inside, your outer life will adjust too (in all the best ways 🤩).
If this is the change you've been looking for in your life, I invite you to join me in Girl on Top of the World 🙏🏻

Here's what you'll get inside each month:

🧘🏻‍♀️ Soul Circle: a ceremony led by Lauren that's meant for breakthroughs. This is the space for you to come in, connect to the deepest layers of your soul, release your worries, stresses and anxieties and just be free. This is an opportunity to fill your cup, connect with source energy, receive downloads and upgrades and all the clarity and confidence you need to start taking steps forward.
🔮 the *virtual* apothecary with monthly rotating resources that are designed to make you question everything you've ever known. They'll help you strip away all the things you think you're supposed to do and help you align with that you are meant to do and want to do. Some examples include: recipes, date night ideas, EFT tapping videos, herbalism tips, holistic healing hacks, playlists, meditations, workshops, workbooks and so much more..
💬 the community: a private space to gather and connect with other women who are walking the path with you. This is a great place to meet your soul sisters, chat about Astro and human design, share memes and exchange stories.

a safe space for you to evolve into the version of yourself who confidently shows the world who she is


Imagine you had...

💜 direct support from someone who has been there, felt your fears and insecurities but also transcended them with grace and compassion

💜 a place to reveal your inner most parts of yourself and all your vulnerabilities and be cherished and celebrated for them

💜 a growing community of women who are glowing up and healing with you

Here's what past students have to say about working with me:
What happens when I join?
1. You'll receive a welcome email with Lauren letting you know how you can access your account, the membership website and the private community
2. Introduce yourself to the private community
3. Stay tuned for the announcement of our first Soul Circle ceremony!
Have questions? Send me an email at or a DM on Instagram

Hi! I’m Lauren Piccini Markos! 

I used to be a shy girl who went with the flow and pretty much did what everyone else around me was doing. I hated making decisions and spent way too much time mulling over that, “Did I make the right decision?” question.

And this “cool girl” attitude landed me in a lot of relationships that were not aligned with the woman I wanted to be. I got cheated on, walked all over and taken advantage of over and over again.

It took me years to realize that these experiences were a result of me not showing up as the woman I really was. I was pretending to be someone I wasn’t so others would claim me. But how could they claim me if they didn’t even know me?

Exactly. They couldn’t. So I attracted men who were just like me– disconnected from who they were and had no idea what they wanted. 

As I started getting connected to myself, I uncovered the version of Lauren I had been dreaming of. She was calm, confident and ask for what she wanted. Her voice was a source of power and an ally in helping her create the life and relationships she had been craving for her whole life.

My voice led me to my husband (yes– I said hi first!) and healthy, conscious communication played a pivotal role in the success of our relationship and marriage. 

To have the relationship I have now, I had to break decades of conditioning and patterns that lived in my bloodline for generations along with healing my own anger, emotional pain and shame I carried for way too long. 

Now, I teach love and my mission is to help you tap into your innate intuition and feminine energy to create relationships that light you the f up.

I do this by shining a big light on the parts of yourself you don’t like showing to everyone else. But these hidden parts of you hold so much wisdom and by listening to and understanding them, you can transmute the pain, fear and shame you feel into unconditional love for yourself, those around you and every part of your life.

You are who you’ve been searching for and I’m here to show you the way!